Picking to Light by SSI Schaefer USA Download Guide, Watch Video, Contact Us. www.chaefershelving.com Download Document PDF with information about Picking to Light. Watch the video how works Picking to Light. Contact us for estimate Picking to Light.

What is Picking to Light?

Fast access to single products is controlled by light signals. This is one of the best known types of hands-free picking. The light guided system makes it easy to use and easy to learn. It generates a high throughput with virtually no picking errors.

Picking to Productivity, Hands-Free, Accuracy, Labor. Contact us! SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com
Contact us! Quality Picking to Light. SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com
Warehouses with Picking to Light. Quality Picking to Light. SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com

Advantages of SSI SCHAEFER Picking to Light

Innovate System

The SCHAEFER Pick-to-Light System is a semi-automated paperless picking system. By combining Pick-To-Light with conveying systems and material flow software, operating cycles are optimized and logistics costs are reduced.

Pick-to-Light is an electronic guidance tool that directs a picker visually to a specific picking slot. It advises the picker of the quantity of items to be picked from a specific slot. After manual confirmation, it records the picking transaction and instructs the host to adjust the inventory.

Picking to Light. Contact us! SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com
Picking to Light. Contact us! SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com

Fast Access

Single products is controlled by light signals.

This is one of the best known types of hands-free picking. The light guided system makes it easy to use and easy to learn. It generates a high throughput with virtually no picking errors.



  • Control computer with interface to the WMS, our WAMAS™ Software
  • Line controller (quantity depends on system size)
  • One pick face for each per storage location

Thanks to the use of pick-by-light, conveyor technology and the proven material flow control can be used to optimise your processes in line with requirements and reduce your logistics costs considerably.

Picking to Light. Contact us! SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com

Watch SSI SCHAEFER Picking to Light in action!

A pick face consists of a display and operation unit where the picker sees the required picking quantity and confirms it after picking by pressing the confirmation button.

Two buttons for quantity correction enable the picker to increase or reduce the displayed quantities during picking according to the indications contained in the order.

Warehouses with Picking to Light. Quality Picking to Light. SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com
Customer Testimonials. SSI Schaefer. www.schaefershelving.com.